lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Summary#8 Blood System

This week I´m learning about the blood system. The blood is a mixture of liquid and cells.The blood has a pale-yellow liquid called plasma and is mostly water and contains nutrients. This nutrients include dissolved sugars, proteins, and gases.In the blood there exist three cells that are:
-Red blood cell: Are shaped like a doughnut without the hole and they contain the chemical hemoglobin wich carries oxygen around the body.
-White blood cell: They fight with the different diseases in the body when we are sick.
-Platelets:When we have a cut, platelets help stop the bleeding by forming clots.
I learn that the function of the circulatory system is to carry water and nutrients to the body. Also, I learn
that the organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood to the body is the heart. The three kinds of blood vessels that travels through the blood are the:
 Arteries are more bright color O2
 Veins are more dark color CO2

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